My Somewhat of A Departure

Day 1,031, 16:39 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Dear eCanada,

For many weeks now I have been planning a LONG VACATION away from eCanada (I believe it was back in Mid-August when I really started thinking about it, since back then I surely wasn't as active as I was today); and if you don't believe me on this, and think this was a last minute endeavor, then ask around eCanada.... ask some people like Kelly Mahoney, Lincoln6Echo, Danster, Neoice, Jfstpierre, amongst many others.

I know I couldn't of picked a worse time to leave, but eCanada, consider this:

1) What more can I do for eCanada? Eh? I mean, yes, I impeached (if it was outragiously illegal/going to be posted in court/whatever the result.... then it would have been done so already.... obviously I am not being charged by anyone at this time)... But beyond that, there really isn't anymore I can do to help you guys (since, who'll take me seriously now) 😛

2) I'll still be around to help out with the technical aspects of recovering eCanada... but only in minimal ways, and not very often (after all.. who works on vacation).

So thats all said and done... but WHY am I leaving?

Simple. Politics has become too overwhelming. Its too confusing, even for me.. who has after all of this.. been following almost all of it... So I feel that it is simply best for me to leave before things get even worse and I end up RAGE QUITTING (or forcing another person to do so) 😃 So myself, and ACACIA MASON (WOOP!) are going around the eWorld, to explore and meet new people.. and return after everything has regained stability in eCanada.

So eCanada, if you have further questions, I ask you to PM them to me. I'll gladly answer all of your questions truthfully. In fact, I anticipate PMs!

But other than that, I will see you at the beginning of February in the new year! 🙂 (And of course, I'll be sending you postcards from everywhere I am/have been with Acacia in the eWorld)!
