My Run for MOO PP

Day 1,298, 10:24 Published in Canada Canada by Quado

What will I do as Party President?

Recruitment. The flash mobs are a great way to encourage people to join moo, and are a good way to increase our numbers and bulk of voters. It is something, that as PP I would look on to continuing. I just want to quickly share some basic facts though.

If one MOO member brings 100 eCanadian citizens into MOO a month, and does this for a year, they will have brought in 1200 members, a sizable percentage of the population of Canada at the moment. But that sounds impossible, right?

If on the other hand though, one MOO member spends a month tutoring a citizen, inviting them to MOO, donating food/weapons, and gets them active in the game and makes them passionate about MOO so that they will do the same thing, this is what will happen

Month 1: 2
Month 2: 4
Month 3: 8
Month 4: 16
Month 5: 32
Month 6: 64
Month 7: 128
Month 8: 256
Month 9: 512
Month 10: 1024
Month 11: 2048
Month 12: 4096

As you can see, spending one month getting to know one person can be more effective. Of course, that’s with a 100% percent retention rate and so on, so it won’t happen exactly like that, but think what could happen if we started up something like this.

My next point is elections. People brought in this way will also be more likely to join SVT, as they are more involved in the Party and with the people in the party. Our congress showing is getting more impressive, and I’m looking to continue and expand it, although, depending on how many regions we have left, will determine how much of a role our SVT plays this time around. Regardless, it will be developed.

As for Presidential elections, I don’t know if anyone else saw how EPIC did there’s, by PM’ing everyone and getting the order of who they would support, but I think that it was very well done, and I would look into copying that come July.

As for my ‘cabinet’ and the people on it, I won’t be having any. This is not because I want an iron rule on my power, because honestly, I don’t care so much about the power, as I do for my country. The reason I won’t have any cabinet seats though, is because I don’t want to encourage any form of elitism in MOO. Instead of having seats though, whenever there is some kind of event (like congress and SVT) whoever is interested will get chosen to help different parts of it, with the more experienced players helping the people who want to get started doing stuff for the party. Also, if anyone has any other idea of something they want to spearhead for the party, like say helping Canadians move out of warzones, they could talk to me (or someone else), to help organize a group to help them achieve there goal.

"The eighth opportunity is to foster transparency and accountability in government spending by reducing tax revenues (see one through seven) and creating more dependence upon bond issues where government must lay out what they want and what they intend to do with funds and earn the support of those who can afford to support it."

Transparency is very important to me. I feel that there shouldn't be anything a party discusses which shouldn't be open to everyone. If anything private has to be discusses, PM's may be the best option. If we are trying to foster transparency in the government, we should start with our party

One last thing I will also make certain of is that I will talk to other Party Presidents on a regular basis, not only so we could possibly brainstorm and share ideas on how to make eCanada a better place, but also to make sure we stay on decent terms. The last thing that we want is another rift tearing Canada apart, especially in this time of war.

Here is my basic Platform! IF you are a MOO member, join us here
to enter the thread with mine, and My cheif competitor, IronToader's nominations.

As per Party By-law #3, a forum vote will start on the 12th, to see who the party will be running, IF you are a part of MOO, I encourage every member to join the forum and vote for your choice in candidate
