My retirement from President

Day 649, 14:38 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Good evening Israel,

3 months ago (can you believe it has been 3 months already?) when I took over as President, I said I would not run in September. I had toyed with the idea of breaking my word, but in the end, I have decided that I need to take a break. As some of you know, I work full time doing armed security, I go to university full time (as of Tomorrow that is) to finish my BA in Criminology/Justice Studies, I take care of my disabled mother, and I am happy engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world. Needless to say, all of that can be stressful at times and I still find 2, 3, and sometimes 4 hours a day to log into Erepublik to manage the economy, our government companies, communicate and give advice to all of our citizens who PM me… My work is endless.

It is because of all of this, that I have decided to take a much-needed break from Presidency. I am not leaving the country, I am not leaving the game, but I just cannot keep going like I have been lately. I don’t sleep much, I have almost no “me” time… I basically live on Cigarettes and Coffee IRL. I have decided to step aside in September simply because, I COULD keep going like this for awhile longer, but I don’t want there to come a point where I crash and end up leaving office in the middle of a term. That isn’t fair to you all as Israeli citizens, it isn’t fair to congress… it just isn’t fair to anyone.

What is in my future?

I am fully and completely supporting Sadeh in the upcoming election. The man is the father of this country and has been a mentor in this game to me since my first days in Israel. He is truly a master of foreign affairs and in all honesty, there is not a more qualified person to run Israel besides Sadeh and myself.

I will continue on in elife as Sadeh’s VP when he is elected (and if you even think there is a chance he wont be elected, I suggest you pull your head out of your… you know), I will continue on liaising with congress on important matters, running much of the economy and government companies, etc. I am not going anywhere any time soon… just taking a small break from the 24/7 job of President.

I will also be running in congress again later this month, and I also have plans on running my own political party. (More on that below)

Why did you leave the IWP?

I have never made a secret about my dislike and disdain for political parties in this game. Sorry to burst some peoples bubble, but they are about as useless as a coffee machine at an insomniac convention. That said, when a political party DOES work, it works by strong seasoned leadership, it works because it has a singular driving voice behind it, it works because it does what needs to be done to get the job accomplished.

IWP recently has failed on all of these matters. They have tossed out the tradition of choosing THE BEST candidate for the job, and now instead choose to follow a Likud like path of “THE BEST…in our party”. They have thrown the entire idea of a strong singular driving voice out the window and have created a quasi democracy inside the party to make decisions by (sounds really nice on paper doesn’t it?).

That is a sad sad thing for me. I have been an IWP member since day 1 of coming to Israel. We had some great leaders in our day, Sadeh, Yotamnor, CJ Will Win. IWP selected the winning candidate in the Presidential elections every single time in this countries history. IWP has also held congress majority in every congress except 1 where we were simply “candidate spammed” out of majority… That has now all come to an end.

Because of all that, I have chosen to leave the party rather than be associated with it any longer. So what’s next then? I will be forming my own party with the same founding principles the IWP use to have. Strong leadership, a singular voice that drives party decisions, activity in government, and above all else, picking real winners for elections.

For now Israel, have a wonderful night,
BuzzyTheCat, your loving soon to be no-longer, President