My Resignation(s) and some thoughts.

Day 908, 14:21 Published in USA USA by Evan Feinman

Well, it's been a long ride, and after over a year of playing I've decided I'm not really getting as much from the game as eRep seems to require these days. So I'm taking a break.

No more party politics. No more military involvement. No more congressional wrangling.

I'll continue to "two click", and manage my businesses, but as of today I'm formally retiring from my role as Colonel in the National Guard, APF board member, and Congressman (though I'll finish out my term in-game in case my proposals are needed).

I wish I had the time or memory to point out all the fantastic people I've had the pleasure of working with over the past year but to make a list is, inevitably, to leave a few deserving souls off of it. So I'll just offer this message to all the people I've worked, joked, strategized, or butted heads with:

"This game is an amazing game, but at the end of the day it has been the individual contributions of each and every one of you that kept me coming back again and again. I hope to return to the game after my passion for it is renewed and I hope all of you are still here."

See you (hopefully) in a few months kids.
