My reflections on the India-Iran war

Day 750, 01:08 Published in India Serbia by gorgepir

The game mechanics are flawed. There are many bugs and errors. There are many things that dont make sense, or are (in my opinion) irrational. I think everyone knows this, and I guess everyone can agree on that. However, we have all accepted that the game is not perfect, and everyone is trying to "win". During my time here - which is not as much as many of you, I have had some reflections that I would like to share.

This being the new world and all, I kind of find it interesting that the two most populous countries – China and India – do not have many citizens in this game. This has led to some problems, the way I see it. When you have around 2000 citizens, and most of them levels 5 and below, you tend to be a small country according to this game where almost everything is based on population. However, due to real-life issues, India and China have been blessed with many resources – while most countries have not. For example in India’s case, in their original regions, 3 high grain regions and 4 medium, a medium diamond region a high wood and 5 medium wood regions, a medium oil region, and a high and 2 medium iron regions. On the contrary Iran has no wood region, no diamond region, 2 medium iron regions, and 3 high grain regions. Iran has around 8000 citizens and India has around 2000. This discrepancy, coupled with the war first nature of this game, will have no end result other than a country like Iran looking for an iron and wood region, or a country like America try to get itself an iron region in Asia – even if it tries to put it in nice terms like liberation and renting. This has nothing to do with imperialism; it has only to do with the game mechanics (refer to paragraph one).

Now this does have a negative result, country pride is hurt. The main motivation for a country like Iran, India, Canada or whatever country to go to war, is to get its original regions back. And in India’s case, I understand and respect you for that. Ideally it would be nice if we could be good neighbors and try to supplement each other’s needs. In reality we have to go to war. I would like to point out that there are many, on both sides, that like to say hurtful things, burn flags, call Iranian arabs, and stuff like that. I guess not seeing the person you are hurting over the internet makes it easier to do, and xenophobia is quite common in the middle-east and southern asia. The thing that is missing is respect. Iranians tend to not respect India, based on whatever reason, and that attitude has caused a lot of problems.

But this has also went the other way. Although it is common to take cheap shots at Iran from eIndians, eAmericans, and other (normally) EDEN nations, Iranians take their pride seriously. We will not be intimidated, and will not bow down to anyone. We are kind and giving people, but when provoked incredibly stubborn. When negotiations are under way to return lands, if a resistance war starts, not only will the negotiations halt, but they probably will be harder to start again. Case in question in the previous presidents administration, while an agreement was almost reached, Iranian Mafia and (your beloved) Seal team started 4 resistance wars. Yes you got Bihar back and lost the other 3, but at what price? You were getting it back anyway, too bad that you chose to listen to the eAmerican way of doing things, of give us what we want or we will take it ourselves, instead of the Asian way, of hospitality, courteousness, and kindness.

The mere fact that you started your attack at a time convenient to eAmericans and not eIndians goes to prove my point. To be honest and frank, without extreme foreign help, I don’t think you have a viable shot at getting back a region this way. And then even if you do, you will forever be indebted to those foreigners, since they will leave and you will end up with regions that you can’t even utilize, since you don’t have enough high skill workers – see the population argument.

The only pro-war argument I have seen is the hope that it might end up in a baby boom for India. I do not disagree with that argument. It might end up doing that, I dont know. But all other reasonings sound irrational to me.

My conclusions and suggestions?
Looking at the populace, I can say Iran could be convinced to give back all Indian regions except Jharkhand. I suggest that Iran do so, with negotiations on who should be heros and who should start revolution war for medals.
India should immediately ceasefire and return to the negotiation table. Do not let hostility get out of hand. Some bridges may be completely destroyed.

As I am not in any official body, these are just my views on the matters and my suggestions. Any argument in that regard is valid. I present this in a take it as it is manner.