My Quiet Return to Erepublik

Day 511, 18:35 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Hello dear American Erepubliks and world viewers alike.

I wish to annouce not only my return to America, but a return to the game. I do not intend to be quite as active as I once where, however I have decided to stop by every now and then.

The reasons for my time away are vast, and I doubt that it would be possible to delve into them all, however I digress. I feel that eAmerica has grown stronger since I left a while back, but that the world has grown that much more chaotic.

Thanks for everyone who kept the game alive in my absence. I have no guarantees about where I will land in my transition back. Perhaps I won't even stay in the eUSA, will be a thrill eh?

I will have more to write later, I do hope.


-Citizen HEM