My proposals - Day 946 of the New World

Day 946, 23:07 Published in Czech Republic Hungary by Noel Guns of Brixton

1) Donate - no need to explain: simple technical step. Ceska Narodni Banka is the official bank of Czech Republic. (Additionally let me notice anybody can donate to here for helping govermental actions and companies. Anywhere from the e-world.😉

2) Tax of food - due to the little size of our market I think there is no sense to keep our rates highly at Income and VAT.
Overall I rather support lower income and moderate VAT values. This can boost up economical circles and help to avoid (half-)illegal trade. We should try to expand our economy by creating an international market. BB and spreading economy could help each other, these should run simultaneously.
Please think it over and vote accordingly! Thank you. 🙂