My Previous Article

Day 2,699, 11:27 Published in Australia Australia by Merovingiano

Hello fellow eAustralians,

In light of recent events, I am resigning from the PP race for ADP. It is clear that my actions do not represent those of the party and it would be best if I were to withdraw. I feel I owe an apology to our current PP Guagature. In hindsight, the screenshot was used out of frustration and was an unjustified call out to Guag. Guag is a fine PP and his reasoning behind leaving the congress thread makes sense. I would prefer an alternative to just leaving the thread but my article was the wrong way to address those issues.

Ironically, Guag and I were working towards the same goal unwittingly, government transparency. Guagature left the congress thread, from what I understand, as more of a protest to PM's of our current congress and a demand for forum-based senate and use of IRC. Both forums and IRC allow for more government transparency by keeping a log of what was said forever. Archives of logs allow for people to be held to their words and a more transparent and established voting system.

I stand by my action to use the screenshot but not in the way I used it. I didn't consult Guag for his reasons and I apologize for that. It is a matter that might have been better handled in private but I felt that the party should know and I was trying to avoid a hearsay argument.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always may eAustralia prosper,

Citizen, Senator, PR Specialist of NEBULA, and MoEE of eAustralia