My Presidential Endorsement Article

Day 380, 15:55 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Hello Everyone!

I want to tell you all about who I plan on voting for President of the United States! Leo Ruby!

Leo has a passion to serve this nation that hasn't been seen in a long time. He is very energize to start working for the eAmerica we all know and love. I have worked with Leo for a long time, and if there is one thing I can tell you is that he is honest. He will tell this nation how it is, and if there are problems he will be straight with their existence, and then straight about how he intends to change it. He is someone we will be proud to call our Commander-In-Chief.

Leo has a spine of steel. He will stand up for eAmerica abroad, and won't be afraid to fight if necessary, but he also will work to put diplomacy first. He will come up with new ideas for every aspect of the game. While he is certainly not a veteran, I think we need something new here in America, someone who hasn't played the game for more then half a year, but someone who is totally devoted to what he does, and what he will do if elected.

I have the utmost respect for Benn Dover. He is a good man, and has been a fair President. But I don't think we should settle for second best in the greatest nation in the eWorld, no matter how good that second best is.

We need to try to get a surplus for the treasury, to get more citizens involved in the military, attempt to expand our nation and forge new alliances. There is a plethora of opportunity out there, only waiting for someone to grab it. And that person can be Leo Ruby. A vote for Leo is a vote for honesty, competence, and love for this nation.

And what more can we ask for?