My Presidential Campaign: Part Two

Day 1,093, 19:34 Published in Canada Canada by Quado

First of all, to all my faithful reader(s) (i hope i have at least one) I issue an apology about the delay in publishing this article. A propane tank beside my house got tipped over so i had to spend the afternoon dealing with firemen and evacuating my house and stuff. but it's all good now.

On to why you're reading this though, There are quite a few reasons why i should be elected Canada's future President which i have gone over in my last article. This article goes out to the other future presidential candidates and the leader of all other parties.

To the other Presidential Candidates:
By now you have seen the futility of your idea to gain the presidency this month. You have probably realized that nothing can stand up to my solid campaign so you have resigned yourself to failure. But i am now providing you with an easier way out. Because i am a fair and gracious ruler, I will allow you the privilege to run co-cooperatively with me. 😮 i know, crazy idea, but this goes out to you.

To Party Presidents:
Pledge your allegiance to me. I promise I will shower giant teddy bears upon your very heads

To every other puny, petty, positively perfect person out there:
Vote for me and i will deliver EXACTLY what I promise.
What do i promise you ask? It's simple, No corruption and death to all sparkly people!

I also challenge you to face me with any issue, in game or out. And I will deliver a striking response

And remember, come December 5th,
[Vote for change, Vote for greatness, Vote for me]