My Presentation For Congress

Day 513, 10:30 Published in Latvia Ireland by James Fallon
Welcome fellow eLatvian's

First,I intend to run for congress for the U.L in the region of Kurzeme.

My decision run for congress was an easy one,and if selected and put into government i'll shall be using my short time and power to setup hopefully a stable,well balanced system that works on all helping new citizens into society and boosting the economy with fair tax's.

1)Health Care System(as written in my previous article)by using food or gifts.......of course the say in the end with be discussed with congress members and voted it is not a sure thing at the end of the day.....but i for one am up for such an idea.

2)Citizen fee....this i believe should be kept around the 10LVL increasing this further,i believe inflation is possible and overall the LVL value will be driven down compared to it's price in gold.
Minimum wage will be set accordingly to avoid this problem also.......

3)Government owned company's..........I believe if state owned company's are going to happen.....there should just be one.Consider this a training ground for new citizens with 0 skills due to the lack of company's within the new state offering such jobs.I believe this to be fair to new players in order to build skills and find new work within the state when there skill increases.

4)All tax's shall be discussed with other congress members in the forums before voting.

5)Military.....Alliances are going to be a key factor in keeping eLatvia from being taken over...being neutral is not the safe option for us as an attack is definitely gong to happen at some stage.I read that a hospital will be pointless in the forums because we basically wont survive....but wont a hospital draw people to fight for us?
A National Guard will be setup in due time....but for the moment,the numbers are too low to make any real difference...all we can do is our own part in defense.

I'll wrap this up by asking for your vote when the time comes round.

Best regards
James Fallon

General manager
Jiffy Lube & RyanAir