My Possible Presentation for Election

Day 711, 12:35 Published in Singapore Singapore by Woshiempire

Hello, I am woshiempire. This will be my possible presentation for the president election as I still not very sure I will be running or not, most likely not. Well, since I had thought for quite some time for the ideas and problems currently faced in esingapore , it will be a waste to not just show it right?
The below will be a summary of what I am thinking of, the ideas and problems, trying to keep it short to read.


Our small nation has 472 populations, currently at the last page of erepublik. Whenever I see it, I felt sad. The numbers will most likely to drop even more in the next few months. Idea- I will create a fun and advertising program here in esingapore. It will be like having an event lasting for like 3 weeks. Citizen of esingapore can find a related Singapore forum and post to advertise erep esingapore here. Citizens who found the url of the forum can post the link in our esg forum to get an reward. First 5 citizens who post and reply how erepublik is fun in that newly found forum will get a reward also. Others can freely post and do your part as esingapore citizens also. The program is to advertise esingapore here and also boast local demands of goods also. Post and get a reward, it will be fun as ALL citizens can participate. Reward will most likely in terms of weapons, gifts, ticket or food. 5 weapons to people who found the link ?

Our 472 population is like refined ‘water’, it has been refine and refine till also it still the same. Same amount of actives, nothing much changes. We need more raw ‘water’ to refine, which able us to get more refined ‘water’- new actives. The current population is standard already, those who voice will voice, those keep quiet will continue to keep quiet. We need more populations and get a few new percentages of keen actives to play this game.

Economy- trying to boast local demands by increase government usage of public goods-weapons, ticket, gifts and food. For example of having events, rewards on given topic. Really need more population to have great effects on local demands.

A potential problem- Regional instability

Erm, there will be a potential problem of regional instability. It still on first stage, haven’t really see the effects of the WA war loss. However, Australia is moving to EDEN/ already moved to EDEN. How will this affect sol? Will war zone move to south East Asia? The president of sol asking Australia to leave sol? Well, there is much news to read about in Australia and also Malaysia.
Idea- Will have a regional coordinator position created to fully concentrate on regional news and movement. He will need to post the information on esg media to inform the public on the latest news. This will allow the esg govt to have ability to have quick response to changing situation and make the fastest reaction if things worsen. Make sure that esg public and govt are not outdated with the changing situation. Need to prepare for the worsen.

Military-Since, we are making money, why not give a reasonable sum to the military to spend? Buy weapons, ticket or gifts as the money will not grow interest in the bank, might as well boast some demands and train rank.

Some other things are cut off since I trying to make this short >.<

Well, this is it. My possible proposal, well hope you like to read it. This is my thoughts and also finding something to type >.< I will be cheering from my bed to those who run for the coming election.

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