My platform for Congress in Moldova! ;)

Day 847, 09:18 Published in Republic of Moldova Canada by lucifer_ultionis
key issues
I would gladly give my vote to someone who agrees with me at least on 50% of the economic policies.
My biggest concerns are Monetary Policy and the creation and distribution of goods.

What pisses me off today:
Now let me ask you: HOW many presentations of potential senators have you ever seen presenting their views of how Monetary Policy should be conducted!? I haven't!

In Political Economy we assume politicians want to maximize their votes. But I simply refuse to believe that people are actually buying what senators are usually offering!
Read ANY random presentation and you'll find at least some of these points for a "`reason"' to be voted for:
1. "My name is mr. XYZ, I've been in this game for a LOOOONG TIME!..." {as if being a long time in this game increases your latent cognitive abilities!}
2. "I want our country to thrive economically!" {Awesome statement! Oh wait! Who doesn't?}
3. "Wars are good because they increase wellness, experience ... bla bla bla" {That's a FACT everybody knows, and does not constitute a reason for voting you! }
4. "I'm a good guy, so I'll give you a ticket and a gun if you vote for me" {That's quite thrilling! 😁 YOU HAVE MY VOTE, asshole! 😁) }

If you ask me, I think that the economic shortage of every citizen within a country from its potential output reflects the aggregate stupidity of its citizens. It's usually those who have usurious expectations that get much less in the long run. Ironically, the more of a patriot you are, the more you are likely to exceed the bounds of reason and moderation and the more likely you are to achieve adverse outcomes.

WHOM should you VOTE FOR?
In my opinion it's the economic "`platform"' that should play a role for your decision in deciding whether you should give me your vote or NOT! (Not my bombastic GRE vocabulary, or personality, or sex or whatever...)
Contextually I believe that a senator should REVEAL in a honest </b> way and most importantly <b> be predictable how HE or SHE will vote on different issues in the senate.
Therefore, you must read what kind of economic doctrine I adhere to, ask questions if needed, before you embark into deciding to vote me or digg me! 🙂
I don't want any of the "`Maniu's"' tricks when he promoted somebody and in literally a couple of hours began uttering like a cry-baby that "`It was a wrong decision!"'.
Suck it up! Everyone should be responsible for his own actions! Including VOTING for a senator and being IGNORANT and misinformed.

My platform
I must worn you, my VIEWS of how a country should be managed is NOT A POPULAR ONE! {it's actually one of the most un-popular one and with a high probability it's different from yours} Therefore a GREAT DEAL of explaining of "`why I think this would be the right policy"' is needed but this can NEVER be achieved if you're: 1. Dogmatic ; 2. unopen-minded; 3. both 🙂 {someone can argue they are not mutually exclusive... but that's a different topic 😁) }

Before I proceed, let me remind u that in Economics usually what is good in the LR is bad in the SR (this is what economists call: bitter pill; and politicians call: REFORM) {Actually I shoun't tell u all this... if you're too far from understanding me, please Go vote for somebody else and don't even bother commenting!}

1. Monetary Policy: I will promote a rule-based monetary policy. (no discretionary monetary policy of any kind!, I will tie my hands! That's something I PROMISE, and that's something you can MONITOR!)
I think there's too much national currency in the game, so I try to make a budget surplus (e.i. Spend less on programs of different kinds than the revenue). There's empirical evidence there's too much MDL-s in the market: take a look at the monetary market: How many people offer Gold for MDL and how many offer MDL for GOLD!

2. To implement this, I will vote YES for increasing TAXES. (Yeah i know... You're so thrilled to vote for me! 🙂 )
When increasing the taxes I give preference for the VAT rather than income tax.

3. I want as little GOLD to be spent by the state as possible: therefore I will agree with financing CHEAP wars!

4. I think a company should be as productive as possible! People who have some gold and will like to invest in Moldova should do it at their OWN risks! And you shouldn't invest in IRON in Moldova because you're a PATRIOT! Go invest in Greece because it has HIGH Iron regions because you're not being a Patriot, you're being an IDIOT! Therefore in the senate, I will VOTE with NO for subsidizing companies!

5. I think a citizen should be as productive as POSSIBLE too! What you do is your own decision. get informed and DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU! If you don't have gold for investing but you want to grow up and make some gold then maybe it would be your best choice to just fly there when it pays well in terms of GOLD! if you work in an allied country with a better wage, you can afford more, and then maybe one day you'll invest with your friend in a profitable company, make gold from it and then come back to Moldova to just enjoy playing! Or you can stay and enjoy life right away in Moldova and supply our companies in eMoldova with cheap labor but contribute to its development. Whatever you do, you should make an INFORMED DECISION based on YOUR Utility Function! And NO ONE should be beguiling you that you're not patriotic enough for NOT supplying your cheap labor to HIS company!

6. minimum wage: I am not sure about this issue because I don't really care about it. I need more pro and cons to make an informed decision!

7. Subsidizing licenses to companies: DEFINITELY NOT! That is a rip off of the small citizens by the big citizens!

8. Issue NEW currency: NO! A tight fiscal policy is what I want to do! Moldova already has a dirt cheap currency!

9. Gov Programs: I say NO! if you need bread I can give it to you just like that from my own pocket! I worked in Greece until now and I have 80 Gold sitting there! I bet that with 1 gold I can feed all the newborns with bread for quite a time! So why should I spend the Gov. money?

10. Economic crisis: yeah I know, there's not enough demand in the market and that those with firms are losing money! well... if you're losing money: CLOSE you company! Don't be stubborn and lose more! It was your decision for the fox's sake why should the people subsidize your stupidity for making a wrong investment decision!?

That was it! 🙂 thanks for reading!
I wonder how many of you like my platform! (probably NONE! 🙂 hahaha)

Respectfully yours,

And I know some of you will start telling me what the consequences of the budgetary surplus will be! I know it myself! It's not waffles and honey in the short run...