My Philosophy

Day 823, 13:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Well it is that time again. Time to vote for our representatives for Congress. I will be running this term as a member of the Irish Social Democrats in The Shannon. Since I am relatively new to Ireland I will tell a little about myself.

I was eBorn in the eUS back in May 2009. I moved to eBolivia soon after to get a chance at some experience that I felt would take a long time to get in the US. I entered politics in Bolivia and began to quickly move up in responsibilities and duties until I reached the top levels in government. I have been a member of the Bolivian Congress five times, a Cabinet Minister twice ( Minister of Health and Minister of Foreign Affairs), Ambassador to the US, UK, Australia and Canada, as well as Bolivian Representative to PEACE. I was a party president for one term and I was the second President of the Bolivian Congress. I own a Q2 grain company in Bolivia ( Colby Grain ) and I have a newspaper which you are reading now. I left Bolivia to get a change. Something different was in order. I chose eIreland since a friend had recently moved here and I have RL Irish ancestors. Since arriving and gaining citizenship I have posted many times on the forum and entered many discussions. I have proudly joined the Irish Defense Forces and have been posted to the Dundalk Fusiliers. I even fired the first shot ( I'm pretty sure ) in our recent campaign to unite Ireland with Northern Ireland. I will soon be a General if we get another round of training wars or the expected resistance war in Northern Ireland begins.

Now I will not print out a long list of the issues and where I stand on them. I do not see things that way. That does not mean I do not have ideas where Ireland should go or how to do it. No, it is just that things change. For example I think that Ireland should do what we can to keep Northern Ireland. I feel that the boost in pride we have now since we have united Ireland is a great thing for us and it has improved our standing in the eyes of the world. The loss of pride by giving back Northern Ireland just because the UK says so would be a blow to our prestige and set Ireland back in the eyes of our fellow nations. That is how I feel. I think this is best for Ireland. If someone can show me logically with a thought out argument that this is bad for Ireland then I may change my mind. I am not so set on a path that I will not do what is best for Ireland.

This is just an example. On any issue I will look at the facts and make a decision. I will not just blindly go with what has always been done in the past just because it was always done that way. Things change. Circumstances change. If circumstances dictate higher taxes are what is best for Ireland then I will be for higher taxes. If lower taxes are needed then I will be for that. In any debate that comes up in Congress I will always do what is best for the people of Ireland.

I also feel that negativity and name calling serve no purpose in Congress or any debate about the future of Ireland and the path we take. Just because someone thinks a different path is the correct one that does not make them a jerk or evil. They just have a different opinion. Everyone has the best interest of Ireland in mind when they make proposals or argue a position. We do not need name calling to argue points. Just put the facts out there and use logic to argue your point and you should do fine. If the argument was not good enough then you lose point. It does not mean that you need to start flinging mud. Argue better next time if you do not like losing.

Well that is just a little peek into the mind of Anthony Colby and how I try to do things. If you like it then I will be pleased to have your vote. If not then so be it. I try to do things a little differently than the way almost everyone else does. I like new ideas and feel that we can come up with many ways to make Ireland the great nation it deserves to be if we only have the imagination and desire to try.

Thank you
Anthony Colby
ISD candidate for The Shannon.