My Opinion about Brazil (Terra included)

Day 1,225, 23:32 Published in Brazil Indonesia by psy_cho

First of all, thanks for approving my citizenship request. It allows me to write an article to share my opinion and my experience.

I am tired to answer the same question over and over. Why eIndonesia cannot forget hostile relationship with the eUSA? Why eIndonesia attacked Hawaii? and so on. If you want the answer, read my previous article. Before you say: TL😉R. I say you MUST read it.

Some says, blood is thicker than water.

For all who said Indonesia is traitor,
Let me ask you a simple question. When you called us traitor...
- Did we (eIndonesian) ever attacked your native region?
- Did we (eIndonesian) ever tanked against you in a direct war or via MPP?
- Did you ever see eIndonesian tanker (NicoSianipar, Matahari, all-x etc) tanked against you?
- Did you ever see we were not helping you guys in your war?
- Have you looked into Indonesian military order and see how many eIndonesian military order to help eBrazil and eArgentina for months?
- Did we call you traitor when you made MPP with eUSA?
- Did we stop our support to eBrazil even when eBrazil join PANAM?

I fail to understand that you choose your new friend instead your brother and start calling your brother traitor. Maybe next time, i should use eUSA foreign policy. eUSA sent only 1 tanker to defend Brazil and made him top 5 damage in couple mini battle. eUSA sent the rest of her army to help Upper Carniola. eUSA also sent St Krems and others eUSA great writer to write, "HAIL BROZIL", "HAIL PANAM", "FAIL NWO" and so on. They used this tactic when NoB under Spain attack.

Or maybe another eUSA tactic. eUSA should let NoB fall, and then when Brazil attack NoB back, eUSA send her writers to said, "HAIL BROZIL", "We'll be there with you", "Let's defeat enemy together" and so on. eUSA send their army to dealt usual damage and put couple of their tanker in top rank. eUSA used this when you got NoB back from ePeru when they almost did nothing at first war. But screamed with out loud when they wanted to help you to get NoB back. They also used this method when eCroatia wiped by eSerbia for the second time. When they dramatically said, "BROatia", "Never leave brothers behind", bla...bla...bla... after they fought millions of damage in Arizona and did nothing to defend eCroatia at Bradley Reala's term as eUSA CP. The effect is multiplied. You will think they were the one who helped liberate NoB and forgot about other countries.

I wonder which country US will choose in China-Japan war? Is she will leave Japan (Terra member) for China? Like Turkey-Greece case? The most thing they gonna do just leaving Japan get bullied by China. It proves that US never care about ally so much. US only care for their own interest.

For all Brazilian
We, all eIndonesian never forget your help, your kindness, your support in everytime we need it. That’s why i never called you traitors, nor NicoSianipar, aban, n3m0, ond3l, latifa, kandon, eIndonesian gov etc. Even after all the "traitors" words you said. Even after your damage against eIndonesia in Papua. But, the more we silent, the worse eIndonesia become in your eyes.

If you think i wrote this to ask you help eIndonesia again, you're completely wrong. I won't pledge you to help eIndonesia. I wrote this so you can understand our feeling. If some one touch Brazil or Argentina, we will fight for you.

After eIndonesia congressman approved Spain's MPP. eIndonesian just attacking in eSpain-eUS front or eSpain-eFrance front. I really hope we don't have to meet in battle field again. And we fight together again like old days.

Oh yeah, to eFrance
We forgive you after Malaysia battle when you stopped our effort to get babyboom. We helped you to free your region. Dealt millions of damage to free your region. We accept you in PHX. But your ppl hitted eIndonesia with passion and dedication.

Perhaps you prefer silver tongue of Mathieu Bonne and Lyne even after they made the biggest fraud in eFrance history. Right now my eIndonesian friends have popular sentence, "WHERE I CAN HIT FR TODAY?"

To eRussia
One of eIndonesia ex-CP wrote this message to remind you how many times we shared tears and happiness together. Have you forgotten WSR? When we got it from eRomania. eRomania never lost until we defeat them in WSR. It became the biggest battle at that time. We gave you WSR for FREE.

Mogaba, have you forgotten ATO team. When eIndonesia sent many ATO'ers to vote you. When eIndonesian helped Russia ATO from eUSA PTO (LOL). Indonesian gov sent more than 200 tickets for ATOers from Indonesia (not include many ppl used his own money).

Have you seen your national stats? May i ask you why your capital is FER? This faggot got RH medal from freed FER from eUSA occupation. We sent army, dealt millions of damage, spent tons of golds and made diversion in Chongqing and Tibet. We never forget Mogaba and others who hitting in Papua.

Remember “Kali” karma. Kalimantan for Kalininggrad.

For both of you, last month no one from eFrance or eRussia came to my MoFA or CP to renew MPP. But you made MPP with eUSA and reject to renew MPP with eIndonesia this month. You even set your military order to hit Kalimantan. Now, you blame eIndonesia because we made MPP with ePoland.