My Hungarian brothers, terrible things are happening in eSerbia

Day 567, 14:02 Published in Hungary Serbia by defender447

Hello our Hungarian allies
Horrible things have happened in Serbia. As most of you know, our congress has been TO-ed from the so called "men from mars" and they have passed series of laws to inflict damage to our country. The latest-impeachment of our president Lipec

His substitue, Archibald Rajs has today made a pact with the devil- he negotiated with the members of the congres-they lower the minimal wages back to 1RSD and so help our economy get back on the feet, he proposes a MPP with eGreece. With eGreece being in tight relations with a PEACE GC member eTurkey, this is a huge blow to our international credibility and our status as a PEACE GC alliance member.

Our president Archibald didnt want anything bad, but unfortynatly, unless we get help from our friends in PEACE and if Lipec's goverment doesnt do something fast, eSerbia will face grave problems in PEACE. So please our Hungarian brothers- the actions of the eSerbian president and congress are not the actions Serbia wants, and are not supported by anyone from Lipec's goverment which ran the country, and is still running it. We are still awaiting official statement from our goverment and from Lipec, but right now we need some friends, and i hope you will support us and not consider this as a betrayal to PEACE and our friendship