My (Humble) Opinion on the Current eIndian Situation [Jelly9473]

Day 1,045, 14:50 Published in India USA by Jelly9473
EDIT: I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the very long article, I refused to bold even a part of it as I saw it all as important. I know it's hard, but I urge to atleast read it.

Hello Once again eIndia, I decided to once again get myself involved in your situations. It's hard for me not too, I still keep up on whats going around in eIndia and am still very interested to hear how things are going, after almost 10 months here it'd be impossible to forget about you guys and lose interest.

Anyway, I've been reading ALOT of articles and comments in your media, Serbia's Media and eUSA's media about your current state of diplomacy, basically from what I'm seeing, You want to start leaning towards friendly relations with Serbia and Russia and cut off relations with eUSA.

For those that don't know I was one of the first people involved in talks with eUSA as eIndia's MoFA, the debates were hardly friendly, but not exactly bad either. It was a back and forth, we wanted this, eUSA wanted it for lower. Karnataka was the issue and I eventually signed the contract and let eUSA hold Karnataka for a sum of 2700 gold for the next 2 months...unfortunetely things went on, the contract expired and eUSA held onto Karnataka without paying until talks were reopened. (this isn't too important so skip to the next paragraph if your getting bored, you've heard this all before. I'm sure.) Eventually a new contract was signed and upon it's expiration you asked for Karnataka to be returned, after a lot of meetings and arguing it was eventually returned and eIndia was once again whole. Things seemed great, but relations between eIndia-eUSA began to become a bit sour.

eIndia, I'm going to tell you something which you'll probably like, but don't get too excited, you'll probably hate me a few paragraphs down.

I'm glad to see that eIndia is finally taking a stand against eAmerica and their actions, from a neutral viewpoint things are ugly.

Recently, I've seen many eAmerican's (mainly SEES) writing articles, commenting on articles, publishing rude and racist remarks in citizenship passes in Pakistan and on other shouts/articles and forums. The "TO" of Pakistan is a poor political move and I understand if eUSA does not support this, but seeing many of eAmerica's prominent ex-(and a few current)government members racially insulting Indians is disgusting.

I understand it's a game and it's supposed to be fun, but some people have gone too far. RL has been brought in and real emotions have begun to flow.

I saw that both eIndia and eUSA voted no on the recent MPP, that's cool, I'm glad that eIndia is finally taking a step towards political independence.


It disheartens me to see eIndia becoming a pro-PHX/Russian/Serbian nation. Personally, eSerbia is not my fan favorite.
After watching them work with Indonesia to PTO both Malaysia and Thailand, as well as attempting to PTO ePhilippines I can no longer believe a word they say, that may just be me though.

When talks first came about of eIndia and Serbia discussing a swap through India to reach the oil heartland of Thai/Malay/Philly my heart sunk and I quickly began doing everything i could to ensure that eIndia would not throw out their relations with fellow asian countries just to improve their relations with Phoenix.

Luckily the forum vote ended in the eIndian citizens saying a big NO to Serbia.

Unfortunetely, a few days later I logged in and saw that the swap had happened anyway. I know that the president at the time (come2findu) had said his account had been "hacked" and so I'm not going to argue about that.

What dissapointed me though was that even though everyone says it was a "hack" that I did not see a SINGLE article written in protest, no one asked Serbia to stop, no one requested money or an apology and no one seemed to really care too much that it had happened.

However, I cared.

A few days aga I came across
This article

A call for war.

Many of you eIndians were not around when eIndia did not exist (I wasnt either) but I know many of you were here before eIndia was whole again, you know how it feels and you know the struggles and stress you face trying to liberate your country from one 10X your size and 100X your strength in military.

Many of you know what it feels like to see your own regions occupied, your nation under PTO (I hear an eSerbian group is still trying to PTO you)

I sincerely doubt it will happen, as I know now that it would be hard to gain support from most EDEN nations, and the support received from Asian nations would hardly be enough, but today, I ask eIndia to act not for EDEN, or PHOENIX, but to act for eAsia.

You've faced it before, I faced it with you, I'm facing it now in my new home. But I ask you, to be the hero, to aid Malaysia and Thailand in their search for freedom, and for Independence. Become the hero, act for eAsia.

I ask you, if nothing else, in your pursuit of a new place in the eRepublikan diplomacy field to never forget eAsia. I remember working with the nations of Philippines and Malaysia to create the "Island Strategy" it was David Forde's own plan to ensure that if eIndia was PTO'd that not all was lost. It was succesful, and with the help of eAsian's India remained secure.

I ask you, to help us now, help the nations of eThailand, eMalaysia and ePhilippines, Save them, Help them and re-write the "wrongs" that have occured, help me see my neighbors freed and help me see eAsia united and independent once again.

Thank you,

Jelly9473, ex-eIndian President, Current eAsian diplomat.