My head hurts.

Day 2,313, 11:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crazierinzane

It seems that something in the elements I live in has RUBBED me the wrong way, leaving me with DROWSY exterior. This pretty much started on Tuesday, knocking me out for a week -- a most inopportune time.

Never mind YOU. The days go by FLUENTLY and only stop to stutter at (in)PRECISE times.

Join Independent Alternative.

Much to my surprise, I have come upon the following pages of my life:
* It is darkest before dawn.
* Ask and you shall receive.
* Never surrender.
* It's OK to cry if the proper cause is filed for consideration later.
* Don't trust the Russians? Huh?

A FLEET of support should be arriving soon. They sail via Royal Caribbean.

Oh, and something something PTOers have no lives, I guess. (Honestly, there are better things they could be doing, but they haven't quite got there yet. Everyone grows up eventually.)