My First Election

Day 645, 16:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Well, it sure is interesting around here. Not that I mind in the least.

Yesterday was the first time I was able to vote. I had carefully read each candidates' presentation, viewed thier profiles, and read every article I could find pertaining to the candidates.

My decision to join the Independent Voices Party was validated. I find the freedom it offers quite refreshing and it suits my personality perfectly. I have always been the independent sort. Never did like being put into a box. My desire is to destroy boxes if at all possible. Boxes only mean trouble and keep people from the real goal, having a positive impact on anyone you can, anywhere you can.

Unfortunately, sometimes boxes are necessary. *sigh* No boxes at all will confuse the Sheeple. And we can't have that now can we. *said dripping with sarcasm*

I live in Cork and Kerry. I've had a couple of requests to move to other regions, but here is the thing. There are already great leaders in those regions that are well loved and well respected. Cork and Kerry, I have found, does not have that same leadership as yet. At least, if there is strong leadership in the region, I have not found them nor have they found me. If you are out there, please contact me!

If ground needs to be broken, then I'm your gal. There is something very appealing about breaking new ground or creating something extrordinary out of something raw and untamed.

Until next time,
