My First Article

Day 1,610, 05:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Filip.Mavrovo

My first Article is none else but a SHOUT to every eUK citizen to get his weapon and fight for the eUK against Canada.
We were under occupation for far too long. Now it's time to take what we deserve.
And as Captain of UK's Independent Forces i would ask all citizens that aren't in any military unit or wish to change the one they're in to join us in our first Regiment.
At the end I would just ask You to go through these steps to get 100 health:
4.Write number of vote and sub in comment
Note:The ones that are going to join our Military unit will get 2 +q6 weapons. For everyone that's fulfilled these steps and didn't get food write me.
You will need only a few seconds to vote and shout and it means a lot to me at the end thank you for your attention.