My First Article!

Day 1,634, 05:02 Published in USA Brazil by Ayso24

Hello eWorld! My name is Ayso24 and this is Fortitudo est Verum. For those of you who don't speak the forgotten tongue, this means Strength is Truth, and I wholly believe in this philosophy. Not only in our military must we be strong to uphold the truths we hold so dear, but we also must strengthen ourselves and our fellow Americans.

For too long have those whose purpose in life is to gain from of the ignorance of others, been allowed to run rampant in this country that I, and hopefully you, love.

I am a fan of the rights of the people, but I also recognize to go above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of our country and our friends.

If you also believe in justice and truth being the defining graces of this eCountry, then vote and subscribe, it shall benifit you in the long run...

*Whew* That was an ugly looking piece of writing 😮 Don't worry, my future writing will be "prettied up" by my next article. Oh! And before I leave, just one more thing.... Boobs.