My final salute

Day 888, 04:16 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

First off congratulations to Mayor Fawkes. He beat me in the Congressional election Tennessee. I have decided that I am going to quit erepublik and slowely let myself die ingame. Losing the election isn't really why I'm quitting although if I would have won I definately would have stayed till atleast the end of my term. I'm quitting because I'm totally burned. I've been playing erepublik since December and I've enjoyed it a lot. The only thing I really enjoyed about the game though was the politics and meeting a few good friends. I could never really get into the war module with the "wall". Although V2 does look quite interesting.

There is a chance I may come back if V2 is awesome bit I doubt it.

It appears that defeating Pizza The Hut/Ajay Bruno is a lost cause. I mean if I can't get more than two votes in a Congressional election then how in the hell am I supposed to take back the Republican Party with all of ajay's men? I gotta hand it to you Pizza, I think you won the game. Also there is a fringe group of people who believe I am Ajay Bruno. This is simply not true. I'm a 17 year old high school student who had no idea who Pizza The Hut/Ajay Bruno was until after my appointment of him as party vp. It was the biggest mistake of my elife. I'm really just a normal guy and If any one cares in real life I'm actually in Young Republicans at my school and on the debate and golf team. Anyway I can't prove that I'm not ajay but this is the best I can do.

This is a picture of Ajay Bruno.

This a picture of myself.

I therefore hereby resign as President of the Republican Party and I wish Dante, dleejan, DionyKH, acg515 and all of my other efriends a good real life and a good elife.

"I don't think that a leader can control, to any great extent, his destiny. Very seldom can he step in and change the situation if the forces of history are running in another direction."