My Extremely Overdue But Completely Unwarranted Return

Day 3,291, 12:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ronald Kray
Hello everybody, it's me.

After a very long hiatus I have now come back to the eworld to continue sharing my poetry with everybody and (if I ever give actual traction to this paper) to share anyone else's artwork with you all.

I know what you are probably thinking: why bother subscribing to somebody who hasn't been here in such a long time? Well, I can only say that I want to get at least two articles out every week, so in turn that is two poems every week too.

Whether this is something you are interesting in or not is entirely up to you, but I can guarantee there will at least be articles to read, so with this reintroduction out of the way, let us commence with some actual poetic content.

This poem I am about to share with you is one that I wrote just over a year ago, and while I have always had a sort of anti-government stance, it has been one that has ebbed and flowed with the times, and I feel as though that with the current political landscape this is something that people could relate to at this moment in time.

As I said though, my opinion changes overtime. I am not so much an anti-government kind of person any more. If anything, I feel something much more closer to political apathy. This poem reflects this in some aspects, but my view of the world is not as extreme as it stated in some verses of this poem. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy it all the same!

A Witness To a Subservient World

This is a constant reminder
of a life in solemn stasis.
Technology deceives me,
it shows a world that loves to change.

But I know better,
that innovation is an abstract concept.
It's a perfect madness we live with,
where we believe are dreams
make some significant difference.

This existence is a farce,
a tragic comedy to be sure.

I spit on society's progress
and view it as a sick lie.
We make no leaps, no bounds.
Humanity can only be content
with repeating the same mistakes
from our inglorious history.

Electing a two-faced leadership,
following their inane rules.
Sleepwalking into stupidity,
we tear at each other like beasts,
polarized by rehearsed conflicts.

To me at the very least,
Innovation rests in silence.
The true peace we all crave
rests in total non-participation.

This same overall message
applies to many scenarios
to counter opposing standpoints.
In truth, none of this matters.
We will all perish and rot
before our problems are ever solved.

Think me the madman,
for I care not.
I merely refuse to partake
in the same bloody battles
on "vastly" different grounds.

Well I hope you enjoyed my poem, don't forget to vote, comment and subscribe, so you can stay tuned for the next article coming on Sunday (I don't know what about yet, I figure the suspense would be better). Hope to see you all then, thanks for reading!