My endorsement, for what it's worth.

Day 490, 19:27 Published in USA Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

As most of you know by now I'm not running again in Delaware. However, I still care who represents my homestate, and would like the best candidate to win. That is why I'm supporting and will be voting for Hari Michaelson to be the next Delaware Representative. He's a cool cat, who's know's the score. He actually cares, as evident by his actions after the US retreat in Northeast. He organized and was able to get all the members of the National Guard that were stranded there back to the US, he took it upon himself when no one else seemed to know or care about it. Add to that, he's intelligent, good looking, funny, and a younger version of myself, there's no way he should lose.

So do what I'm going to do tomorrow, and vote for Hari Michaelson for the Great State of Delaware, who else do you want reppin' the 302? No disrepespect to ClammyJim or JoeyHens1, but they both suck (wink).

Good luck Hari, I'm rooting for you.