My eGratitude

Day 761, 07:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nephworks

As part of the MoC event to say thanks to the people who have made this game a better game for me I want to express my gratitude to the following people.

Edana Savage:

I expect I won’t be the only one who thanks Edana in their article and that’s exactly the way it should be. She did excellent work as Minister of New Citizens and deserves praise for it in my opinion.
She was very helpful at answering any and all noobish questions I had to ask just 3 short months ago, and she really set the bar for future ministers.
A hard working, dedicated eCitizen which to be quite frank Ireland could use more of.
Thank you Edana for messaging me in those early days of the game. I won’t forget it and will always try to repay you.

Rhett Butler:

The founding father of Odysseus Global Defense initiative I have admired Rhetts intentions and actions from the first words I read from him. His convictions and attitude towards the game have been a like a breath of fresh air during times of stagnant inaction.
Whether he is fighting for the preservation of an under-dog nation or taking up the mantle of crusader for the eChruch I know he will always be up to something to inject some excitement into the game and directly where it is needed in our corner of the world.
Thank you Rhett for bringing a spark to this game. If you ever need a hand I will always be happy to help no matter the cause.


A fellow follower of the House MD television series I first made contact with 😎ayan after a shout I made exclaiming how thrilled I was at the conclusion to the season finale of series 2. I believe B-dayan combines both dedication to the game with a cheerful light heartedness which is why I want to thank her.
She was also one of the first people in the game to informally message me in game.
Thank you 😎ayan, may you continue to show me that there is a light side to this game when things are dull and a serious side when things get boring.

Yours sincereley, Nephworks