My Congressional Race

Day 338, 17:32 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Citizens of Ohio,

I want to annouce my intention to run for Congressman for the State of Ohio. I have shown my commitment to this city time after time, but drafting up plans that will not only benefit this state, but also the entire country.

Many of you remember my two runs for Mayor of Columbus. I feel that in both those runs I presented plans that would work, and will work. I beleive that the national government needs to have a grand overview of the tax system, we need to decide what kind of taxes will balance the need of governmental money and make sure that all citizens are getting their fair share of this new world.

What I propose is simple really, I feel that all proposals need to be thought out and need to solve a real problem, or attempt to correct one before hand. It is clear that this Congress has attempted its hardest to make a smooth transition from the beta to V1, and it is obvious that such a task is certainly a difficult one.

However, I stepped forward early to lower the minimum wage to save small businesses. I have fought against all tax raises, all tax proposals that make no sense. I have stood behind our President in supporting a national hospital.

We need to decide early what resources need to have a high import tax to protect USA business, and then decide what resources need to have lower import tax, to keep costs down in the United States.

I think that if this next Congress works together, the way I know we can, we will be able to accomplish so much. Thank You Ohio, and I hope I have your vote!