My Congressional Platform

Day 1,244, 13:04 Published in USA Poland by code0011

Good morning eUSA,

I recently recieved a PM saying that I was cleared to run for Congress in District of Columbia, and given a link to a topic on the USWP forum that would give me step by step instructions on how to get people to vote for you. One of the ways prescribed was to write here, but with an avatar like mine, who needs help?

Thanks to Darkskye for making it so awesome

On election day, you should vote for me because I feel that people who have been in Congress before, often get re-elected, blocking the way for new faces, who could take Congress on a whole new path, maybe for the better.

It is my third time running for congress and there will be people out there who think I am only in it to get the medal, but this is not so. I believe that running for Congress is like staring down the road ahead, you can see what is possible for you to do, but you just need to take that first step, and I need your help to do that. Without you, the electorate, I can do nothing.

I believe that taxes favour those with companies, who don't need to work to make money. I think that Income Tax needs to be lowered, and VAT raised to give a more even distribution of taxes. This will also help with retention as new players will earn more of what they think they are getting.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this,


code 4 Columbia
code can into Columbia
If anyone wants to vote for me, but have the great misfortune of being in a different state, PM me on election day, and I'll send you a moving ticket and 10 welless absolutely free.