My Congressional Platform

Day 942, 19:53 Published in USA USA by Charmader95

My Congressional Platform

I will provide moving tickets and gifts to those who vote for me, so there is no loss in wellness. Please message me if interested.

“People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing.“ - Walter H. Judd

I am happy to announce that I will be representing the U. S. Trade and Military Alliance (TAMA) in the state of Arizona in this month’s congressional elections. I believe that I am properly qualified for the job, and I know that I will put in the effort required and do what is best for the eUS. My thoughts on the major issues facing the eWorld today are below (and yes, some of it is from last month’s campaign article, many of my views have not changed.)


While having tanks like this would be really cool, I support equipment that will actually do some damage.

While I do not believe we should start wars randomly, I do think we should always have a battle for US citizens to fight in, as fighting provides more than half of the experience points you can earn on most days. This can be achieved through training wars and alliances, which will also help our allies.

I intend to keep the funding to the military at current or higher levels, as it is vitally important for our military to be strong. Also, while I would like to attack Russia, I will not encourage an attack until we can be sure of a win (this means not having 20 MPP’s stacked against us.)

Recruitment and Retainment

I will support and lend my time to any good recruitment projects. Retainment is also a big problem, and getting babies into the community quickly is the best way to accomplish this. I will support funding for programs to help retain new players.

Version 2

We need to prevent players from feeling like this has happened when V2 is instituted.

Version 2 is going to be very different, and the eUS needs to be prepared. I will work toward and support helping all citizens understand the concepts of V2, and helping change/restructure the military and military orders for V2. A smooth transition to V2 is one of my top priorities.



The Umbrella Research Party

The Brolliance Party


TAMA Director of Outreach
3 Congressional Campaigns (all losses), 1 separate run as a blocker
Will be Level 20 by Election Day
Have played the game for over 10 months, been in TAMA since I could join a party
Have an active newspaper (see my recent article that was top in the eWorld) and a semi-active org (The Academy)


Yes, I know "charmander" is spelt wrong in my name. It was originally an error, but even if I could change it I would not, as it makes me unique.

Thanks for reading. If you see any errors, please leave a comment or message me. Please Vote and Subscribe!