My Christmas Carol

Day 1,117, 16:17 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Got your shopping done?

And for all you Bah! Humbugger's out there!

I'm entering a Christmas carol contest by Fionia. Take a look:

Wish me luck! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and whatever else you celebrate!

Oh, Silent eNight!*

>verse 1 (You can guess this tune.)
Up on the rooftop kitty paws,
out jumps good 'ol PigInZen.
Sleigh full of crap for all the guys,
call him the Chancellor 'cause now he's in.

Oh ho ho,
who woulda known,
Oh ho ho,
who coulda known.

Oh, up on the roof top, click, click, click,
Snipers have a bead on the frosty... (Couldn't do it!)

>verse 2 (And this one too, I bet.)
Frost is a snow job.
He's a very good con man.
With PigInZen, he said he'd win,
and show us where to go!

Oh, Frost you're the winner,
you beat the rest again.
You jack boot thug,
you've chased the Lib's
to hell and back again!

>verse 3 (Might be hard, see below.)
Croy's right, Croy's right.
He's stayed calm, throughout the fight.
Glorious hails come from afar!
LOOK OUT! Headlights from speeding car!
Croy lays crumpled in street.
Will this mean rebels defeat?

Silent night, peacful night.
All is quiet, all is right.
The roleplaying mongrels all have gone home.
Took their BS 'n Googled 'crap' on Chrome.
Thank God we get back to the game!
Yes, we get on with the game!

*Disclaimer: I know this is all a joke. Gee Whiz. I don't mean any disrespect to any ePerson mentioned in this song. It's just amusing to me that this all is happening at Christmas time!

In case you are sloooow...
verse 1 = "Up On the Rooftop"
verse 2 = "Frosty the Snowman"
verse 3 = "Silent Night"

May we have peace on Earth. (The real one.)