My Arsenal of Federalists

Day 2,181, 17:39 Published in USA USA by crashthompson.

Feds, I really want your votes. Not going to pay for them, but yea I would still like them.

Even though my ingame name is CrashThompson, my former name was CrashNBurn, my image is a nuke, and my newspaper is Crash And Burn industries, I don't plan on crashing the party.

Well, not that way.

Let me introduce my staff the goals I have for them
(PS staff should read this to get an idea of the goals I have in store for them if I have not already completely talked to you about it)

Vice President Apollo

I want my vice president to be my main guy pushing and focusing on the political and media aspects of our party. He will be my voice when I am not around. I expect him to kick butt with me when needed, to encourage others when needed, and to pick slack where we find it.

Chief of Staff Dr Luis Sentieiro

This guy has done some great things with Recruitment and Retention. He is an awesome team player working with any and all departments that can help him reach his goals. I want him to continue this, but at a greater roll as Chief of Staff.

The rest of the Arsenal of Federalists

Recruitment and Retention Director - Logamac
Logamac is a past director. Under them recruitment got new feds involved by offering rewards to members who PMed and assisted new players in finding the party, the forums, and hopefully getting more and more involved in the party. With DLS's work I hope that Logamac will continue it and expand it.

Education (bringing it back) - Konoha no Kiiroi Senko
This great Fed has been working hard with Recruitment and Retention. I want to see them continue their work and expand it. I want their work to be assisted and coordinated with the entire Fed Leadership group. I hope to continue the development of their tutorials, in forum guides, and future regular in game guides/educational material.

FUN DIRECTOR - dk3dknight
dk3dknight has been busting his butt, his creative mind, and massive collaboration skills to bring us the Fun Department. He goes all out in finding ways to keep the meta game interesting, keeping people on the forums, and just bringing another aspect to the meta game and the feeling of community among the Feds. Why stop something that is going so great.

Federalist Express - AlexJ
What can I say, this guy is the Federalist Express program.

Media - Kelly J Brown
Kelly has brought some fun, some life, and some laughter to the media dept. In addition to the regular Fed Update, I hope she takes time to keep up her interviews targeting new and old Feds. I plan to get media run a contest, to find and encourage new writers. Big thing with media this term, more of it.

FBI Director - Kody5
Kody5, and older player, has run the FBI before. With a few recent snags I have asked him to head up his old department again, get us running, get new Feds in and involved faster as well as continue to keep our party safe.

Tech Director - BlondeNinja
She has been writing code for almost every department. Assisting with tracking sheets, quizzes, you name it, she is creating it. I am glad that she has chosen to stay and keep at it.

Political Dept - Evil Elvis
Evil Elvis has been leading the PD department this term, helping guide our congress folks. I trust him to continue doing a great job during my term.

Treasurer - Leothechosen
This is a role that has been here and gone with the Feds. The recent incarnation of it was the person who ran the food giveaway programs, was in charge of buying votes for articles, paying new Feds for sending mass messages, and fundraisers.
I want to bring that position back.

Now let me tell you what I am going to be doing. In addition to being a jerk, I plan on increasing my media output. I plan on integrating myself in assisting with Human Resources, finding new Feds and getting them jobs. I am a believer in assistant directors. Someone is always needed to assist with something. No man can carry the whole load. And I believe when you have work, when you feel you support others, you feel community.

That really is what a party is, a community.

I plan on working hard with SHIELD to help them in the Human Resources and recruiting areas. Currently I have been working to get up some old programs and get some media out and will continue to do so. I want soldiers to feel supported by the MU and inturn feel like they support the MU. That will create a feeling of community.

That really is what an MU is, a community that drops damage on the enemies of the eUS.

So as PP, my main overall goal, I really hope to build community.
