My 365th day

Day 742, 13:38 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Deare readers

last year I started plaing this game on Decmber 1st when Uastralia only had one region and the economy was screwed with 5 AUD minimum wage. I was one of the few first members of the ANP and won my first election in January. I now have won 6 terms as a senator in Australia. The main war I fought in was the one with Indonesia and Romania unfortunetley Romania lost I then moved to Lithuania to become a congressman and failed.

I also did this halfway during the Romanian war except I moved to China to run. After the run in Lithuania failed I had decided to move back to Australia and ran in NSW but the ANP congressmen didn't show up on list so I lost. after this I moved to Paraquay to run and failed

then I lived in Indonesia for two months fighting in resistances. After this I moved to Columbia to run but then I realised that Citizenship was coming out so I moved to Australia to run. I won 3 terms in a row an become Vice President of the ANP but then I lost one so I moved to the USA to fight in the War. I moved back to Australia to run for PP and lost I then ran for congress and won now I am here. on my 365th day.

6 terms as an ANP senator
ran for PP of the ANP
current Party advisor
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate 3 terms
Apprentice MOFA 1 term
ANP supreme court member 1term
VP of the ANP 1 term
Apprentice MoD 1 term

By Guy Baumber