MvG interview with Jon873

Day 1,407, 22:53 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

Jon873 is a young Philippines soldier who decided to be a presidential candidate of Philippines next month.
Olders always say that future of the world should be passed in the hands of
younger generation.
Jon873 surely is a reformist and his ideas would made some impact in

1 - As one of our younger citizens why have you decided to become president candidate in Philipines ?

I believe that I could help the Philippines through Military Actions. Specifically adding ranks and medals to help boost the morale of the Soldiers

2 - Are you aware what president position brings within and do you think that you are ready to handle all liabilities ?

I am aware of the responsibilities that the President has to do. I am willing to do that for the sake of the Philippines

3 - In your first presidential manifesto we saw you are changing the traditional Philippines political order, why Philippines

I believe the military junta will help the Philippines to strike on the offensive and provide a good defense. Besides the best defense is offense

4 - If you win next motn will represent a crash of older guard who were presidents and new young one who will bring something new in out politic, where previous presidents made mistakes by your opinion ?

I believe that the previous presidents made mistakes but they did their best to correct it. Younger players can bring anything they want as long they have dedication and patriotism

5 - I have noticed that people who are in your cabinet are people who already worked in previous governments, do you think that people who developed their political system are able to accept your new government organization and can they change ?

I'm not sure. Some of them may respond aggressive to the new system but I hope they understand the use of military junta in the defense of the Philippines

6 - What is your opinion about current Philippines situation and how do you plan to start negotiations with ROC ?

I believe that the Philippines is hard to handle alone, that's why I put the military to take over the government. I plan to start negotiations when they give reasonable terms to my government and the people of the Philippines

7 - Do you think that baby boom in Philippines would help this country and ensure future Philippines status in the world ?

Baby boom will do great for the Philippines, I think we can teach them to fight and do other things. Besides I have a friend who can teach them and give them tanks

8 - Why citizens whould vote for you , beside military program what do you offer to us ?

I ask for the citizen's vote not only for the military program but for my other projects: Operation: War Buddy (Since my congress promise), Events to make the Philippines famous and for SABAH!