Mujo in Canada

Day 1,852, 14:58 Published in USA USA by Serdjo

before the story a little explain, who and what kind of a man is Mujo (read as Muyo), man from Bosnia, a Muslim, stupid in a way and have unbreakable head, main actor in jokes with his wife Fata)

Now, he went to Canada and writing in his diary.

12. August.
We moved into our new house in Canada.
I'm so excited! It's so beautiful!.
The mountains are beautiful.
I can not wait to see them covered in snow!

14. October.
Canada. It is the most beautiful country in the world!
The leaves take on all those beautiful shades of yellow and orange.
I was driving through the woods and saw some deer.
They are so graceful!
These are the most beautiful animals in the world!
This must be paradise. I love Canada.

11. November.
Day of Remembrance (Canada's national holiday).
Deer season will start soon.
I can not imagine that anyone could kill such beautiful animals.
I hope that snow will fall soon! It's so wonderful.

2. December.
Tonight is the first snow fell.
I got up and saw all covered with white blanket.
It looks like the most beautiful postcard!
We went outside, cleaned the stairs and driveway and then the snowball fight (I won!).
When Snow blower passed we had to re-clean the gate.
What a wonderful country! I love Canada!

12. December.
Snow again tonight.
Again Snow blower passed and buried gate.
This is really wonderful!

19. December.
Snow again tonight!
Could not get out the car to go to work.
This is really great, just a little tired of shoveling.
Snow blower fucking again!

22. December.
This white shit fell again all night.
I got blisters from shoveling and my back hurt.
This monkey with Snow blower was hiding around the corner and just waiting for me to clean up in front of the gate and than to blow the snow. Asshole!

25. December.
Merry fucking Christmas and shit!
A little crappy snow.
If I ever get my hands on this fag who drives Snow blower - I'll kill him!
Mother fuck why they don't use more salt on the road so it melts before cleaning.

27. December.
Snow again tonight.
Didn't go out for three days except to clean snow whenever Snow blower pass.
Can't go anywhere, car is stuck in snow hill in front of the gate and it's cold!
They say that tonight will fall another 30 cm of this shit.

28. December.
Weather forecast was bad. Fell half a meter.
If this continues, it will not melt until summer.
Snow blower stuck and this asshole came to me to ask for a shovel.
I told him that I had already broken six shovels cleaning the shit at the door as it was stuck on and I almost broke it over his head.

4. January.
Finally out of the house!
I went to the store to get some food, and when I was returning with my car I hit a deer.
Three thousand dollars of damage to the car.
Those fucking beasts should be killed.
They are everywhere! Why hunters didn't kill them all last fall!

3. May.
I drove the car to the mechanic.
Unbelievable how rusty they get from the fucking salt that was sprinkled throughout.

10. May.
I'm moving to Florida!
I am sick of everything!
I can not imagine how anyone normal can live in that fucking Canada.

Blame Canada.

one fine picture for the end

Srpska original verzija

Mujo u Kanadi

12. avgust.
Uselili smo se u našu novu kuću u Kanadi. Tako sam uzbuđen!
Ovdje je tako lijepo! Planine su prekrasne.
Jedva čekam da ih vidim prekrivene snijegom!

14. oktobar.
Kanada. To je najljepša zemlja na svijetu!
Lišće je poprimilo sve one divne nijanse žute i narandžaste boje.
Vozio sam kroz prirodu i vidio par jelena.
Tako su graciozni! To su najljepše životinje na svijetu!
Ovo mora da je raj. Volim Kanadu.

11. novembar.
Dan sjećanja (Kanadski državni praznik).
Lov na jelene će početi uskoro.
Ne mogu da zamislim da neko moze ubiti tako divnu životinju.
Nadam se da će uskoro snijeg! Tako je divno.

2. decembar.
Noćas je pao prvi snijeg.
Ustao sam i vidio sve pokriveno bijelim pokrivačem.
Izgleda kao najljepša razglednica!
Izašli smo napolje, očistili stepenište i prilazni put a onda se grudvali (ja pobjedio!).
Kad je prošla grtalica morali smo ponovo očistiti kapiju.
Koja divna zemlja! Volim Kanadu!

12. decembar.
Noćas opet snijeg.
Opet prošla grtalica i zatrpala kapiju.
Ovdje je zaista prekrasno!

19. decembar.
Noćas opet snijeg! Nisam mogao izvesti auto da odem na posao.
Ovdje je zaista divno, samo sam malo umoran od lopatanja.
Opet jebena grtalica!

22. decembar.
Ovo bijelo govno opet padalo cijelu noc.
Dobio žuljeve od lopatanja i leđa me bole.
Ovaj majmun sa grtalicom kao da se krije iza ćoška i samo čeka da ja očistim ispred kapije.

25. decembar.
Sretan jebeni i usrani Božić! Još malo usranog snijega.
Ako mi ikad padne šaka na ovog pedera što vozi grtalicu - ubiću ga!
Mater im jebem što ne posipaju više soli po cesti pa da se prije otopi.

27. decembar.
Noćas opet snijeg.
Ne izlazim već tri dana sem što čistim snijeg kad god prođe grtalica.
Ne mogu nigdje ići, auto se zaglavilo u brdu snijega ispred kapije a i hladno je!
Kažu da će noćas pasti novih 30 centimetara ovih govana.

28. decembar.
Pragnoza je bila loša. Palo je pola metra.
Ako ovako nastavi, neće se otopiti do ljeta.
Grtalica se zaglavila i taj šupak došao kod mene da traži lopatu.
Rekao sam mu da sam već slomio šest lopata čisteći ta govna sa vrata što ih je on nabio i zamalo da sam mu je slomio od glavu.

4. januar.
Najzad izišao iz kuće!
Otišao do prodavnice da kupim nešto hrane i kada sam se vraćao udario kolima jelena.
Tri hiljade dolara štete na kolima.
Te jebene nemani trebaju biti ubijene.
Svugdje ih ima! Što li ih lovci sve ne pobiše jesenas!!!

3. maj.
Odvezao kola kod mehaničara.
Nevjerovatno koliko su zahrđala od jebene soli što je posipaju svuda.

10. maj.
Selim na Floridu! Pun kurac mi je svega!
Ne mogu zamisliti kako neko normalan moze živjeti u toj jebenoj Kanadi.