MSL: Recruiting to Help Fight [UPDATED x2]

Day 602, 20:34 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hey there everyone,

As the Secretary of Citizen Affairs, I have taken it under my wing to lead the recruitment effort. This is especially crucial since now we have an opportunity that we haven't ever had - a defensive war. This fact gives us a reason to advertise and gives others a reason to join. Because of this, I encourage you to do the following:

Tell A Friend
The simplest way of advertising the game is by inviting your friends into it. Give your friend your referral link and get them to sign up. You'll receive 5g when they reach Lv6, which can be used to help fight in our defense. Not only this, but more importantly, we'll have another player to add to the masses already defending our nation. Also, you can use this video as a reference point to the game when posting on forums:

Spread the Word
Are you a member of non-eRepublik forums? Did you used to play a different game? If so, post the link to the game there and get people from these other games to join eRepublik. Getting groups onto the game at a time can be very helpful, especially since they will help each other get out of the noob stage. In this case, you can also use the YouTube video as a reference point.

Local TV Stations
Also, in an attempt to get "real" patriotic Americans on the game to help defend our country, I am asking all of you to post information about your local TV stations. With this information, we can get a collection of TV stations that we can email asking them to help us out a little bit. We have already sent out emails to the national media outlets, in case you were wondering. Please fill out the form below this paragraph to help us out. If you are concerned about giving out this personal information, I ensure you that this is posted anonymously.

Enlist the help of the Colbert Nation
An idea posted by Cerb, ligtreb, and a few others. We need the help of the Colbert nation. Get their attention by posting here:

Get this "voted up" on Digg. Their system works the same way as the eRep article voting system.

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Please note that the money I get from my referral link ( will be donated to the Military effort.

Also, in other news, I have created an official YouTube channel for the eUS. We don't have many videos up yet, but check it out:

Secretary of Citizen Affairs