MSL: MoWing and M*A*S*Hing

Day 540, 13:03 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since I've written anything, so I figured I may as well give everyone an update on what I've been doing over the past few weeks.

Meals on Wheels

Right around Congressional elections last time around, I was appointed to the post of Meals on Wheels assistant by then MoW Director, AidenAstrup.

At the time, MoW was 2 weeks behind schedule, which is about 700 people. I began to work on the deficit immediately after gaining access. In a week, (8 days to be exact), I completely eliminated the deficit MoW had.

A few days later, Scrabman was re-elected President and Aiden, the MoW Director, was promoted to Chief of Staff, so I assumed the position of Meals on Wheels Director.

Since then, my staff, James Strife and myself, have maintained the Meals on Wheels deficit to within 1 day behind schedule, which I believe is an accomplishment within itself!


The second thing I'd like to address is a new program that Congress recently passed for a one-week trial is M*A*S*H. MASH is basically a program that works with the National Guard (looking to expand later on) in order to gift those Guardsmen who are close to 40 wellness.

This will allow those Guardsmen to fight for the first time, boosting their wellness to 80 which increases business productivity, adds a little more excitement to the game, and gives the eUS military another fighter.

The one-week trial, which will be starting soon, will be funded purely off of your donations, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you would help out. Once the one-week trial is complete, I will post a complete list of donations.

M*A*S*H Org:

Also, if you are in the National Guard and qualify for funding (below 40 wellness, Lv 5-10), contact your CO and they will fill out your application form.


PS - I plan on running for Congress in WV this time around, so stay tuned for more info on that, haha.