Mr. Wet's life outside of congress.

Day 1,510, 17:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mr. Wet

I'm bored, So I'm going to start writing articles in the third person.. more than usual.


There have numerous claims that Mr. Wet has been publicly displaying illegal marijuana activity.

The self-confessed marijuana smoker Mr. Wet (aka The Wet Wizzle) opened his performance at Grimstone's Election party on Tuesday by asking the crowd, "Does anyone have any weed?"

At the official after-party at Chubbzilla's "Don't ask don't baaahh" Concert Club, he was photographed sharing a suspicious-looking cigar with a young woman. (Tenshibo)

"Blazed with the Wizzle last night. All I had to do was ask!!! What a g!" Crumoet wrote on his public Facebook page.

"Chilled with him for ages. Was amazing!" - Oprah

Blaze is a slang term for getting high on marijuana.

Another woman also snapped Mr. Wet holding a suspicious-looking cigarette at the club, which she described as a "home made jozza" a slang term for "a joint". "He loved the Perth weed," her friend commented.

Confidential understands that Mr. Wet's backstage rider at the after party included "lots of" odour eliminator and scented candles.

Mr. Wet was reported to have smoked a "suspicious-looking cigar" on stage in Western Cape last month and has served time in jail for drug offences.

Police spokeswoman Naomi Smith said a photograph was not enough to constitute an offence. "Mr. Wet has obviously paid the cost, to be the boss."