MPP's, Congress and V2

Day 948, 13:05 Published in Thailand Thailand by Jimmy_Miller">

It’s been a busy few days in the president’s chair, so here is a quick update for all.

Today we finally managed to negotiate terms for a new MPP which should bring regular battles back to Thailand, congressmen should vote yes to the proposal here. It was important to make the right decision on this MPP, both in terms of the funding required to secure the MPP and the changes to the frequency of warfare if the new war module becomes active during the 30 day period, I feel confident that this is the right choice for Thailand.

Today is also congress election day, details of the official candidates can be found from here, along with other important Thai announcements. For those unsure on who to vote for please visit our IRC channel #ethai where we will be able to offer further help.

Successful Congressmen are reminded that it is custom in Thailand to donate the proceeds of your treasure map to the Central Bank of Thailand. This is required in order to help fund future MPP costs and grow Thailand, so please conform to this tradition to help Thailand prosper.

Finally, more details have been announced on v2 (erepublik rising). The public Beta is now open, and migration options available on all citizen profiles and for all companies.

It is not advised to make any decisions on your migration until after you have tried v2 beta, and I will try and publish an article early next week, once I have had a few days to trial various elements of v2. In order to provide as many opportunities in v2 beta as possible (which will be deleted and all actions reset) Thailand has declared war on our good friends Malaysia so that the war modules can be trialled by Thai players. All players are granted 40 gold on the beta server too (which I remind you will be reset before the real launch) and it is requested that some of this is donated to the Thailand country account to enable the government to increase the opportunities available to all Thai citizens during the Beta phase.