Move over Joe Arpaio, there's a new Sheriff in town!

Day 1,464, 19:13 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

There's a new Joe in town who's applying to become America's next toughest Senator. His name is Joseph Dinero and trust me when I say he's no mall cop!

Don't let the Libertarian icon fool you, he's running for the Bastards of Liberty Party to represent the voice of the people that's constantly shouted down by the elitist establishment. Take notice America, we've been invaded! Over half the country is under foreign occupation. The status-quo has failed and it's about time we changed course in a new direction!

Picture above: Serbian POW's in AZ

Make this man Arizona's next congressmen and you guarantee a true representative of the people.

Endorsed by several former AZ Representatives - Endorsed by the Libertarian Party - Endorsed by the Bastards of Liberty Party - Endorsed by F.S.T