More Needs To Be Done

Day 576, 09:57 Published in USA USA by mjdiv

As I leave Newark Airport in New Jersey, I am buckled into my seat as we go down the runway and I am looking at the ticket stub I bought from my own moving ticket company, F & R Airlines. In times of uncertainty, when everyone was saying you couldn't start up a moving ticket company under such poor conditions, I quickly hired 10 people and have been competing on the market, selling all of the tickets I put out to market each day and staying in business, keeping people employed in eUSA. I am on my laptop I've brought onto the plane and I PM my workers, making sure they know about war games and my policy of rewarding employees who maintain high wellness.

We take off and the eWorld below rapidly gets smaller and smaller. We reach cruising altitude and I am checking over the list of my platoon members, making sure they all have high wellness. As Commanding Officer of Home Guard Company B, platoon 1, I have the priviledge of leading the finest senators of our nation who also serve in the military defending our home front from attack. I look with pride seeing that the average strength of the soldiers in my platoon is 10 and I know that our country is safe because these are patriots who give their time serving this nation in congress and will also be the first to jump to the defense of our homeland if we should ever be attacked by another country.

As we leave the city, I can vaguely recognize Claire Littleton's house below and I think of the position of White House Press Secretary which I inherited from my friend Claire and what an honor it is to be second only to the President in terms of who people look to in order to get important information from the eWhite House.

We pass New York City and there are huge banners flying, proclaiming Freedom & Responsibility to be the highest-rated Libertarian-owned publication in the world. I smile as I again think of Claire (also a Libertarian) whose paper is a very close second.

As the plane flies over the sea water alongside Long Island, I think of the conversations I've had with many people from overseas, people like eIreland's Nithraldur, eSpain's Charrito and even former Russian president/PEACE spokesperson GLaDOS. I think of all of the negotiations that are going on and the many conversations I've had with our Secretary of State, Harrison Richardson regarding the formation of our new alliance along with the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee. I've debated with many senators regarding ideas brought about by the minds of people like One Eye, who has been working tirelessly on trade policy and conveying those messages to our allies to make our alliance stronger.

Down below, I see a small Q2 hospital as we approach Rhode Island and I think about how I have been volunteering for the last month and a half, working for 1 USD/day, recieving my daily food rations from Ocean Republic. I was one of the first volunteers to come on board, led by the visionary Greystrand, believing that, yes, even the people of the small state of Rhode Island can indeed come together to make great things happen for this country.

Our plane starts descending toward Green Airport and I think about all of the people of Rhode Island I represent. There have been several controversial topics in congress this past session and I have PMd people from the Narragansett state to ask you about your opinions on these issues. This only seemed like a natural thing for me to do as a representative of your state, but I was astonished to find out I was the only Rhode Island congressman in memory to have valued his constituents enough to ask for your opinions.

The plane lands at Green Airport and I take my traditional trip south to Easton Beach outside of Newport and I breathe in the salty sea air that welcomes me home. A lot has been done, Rhode Island, but there still is a lot more work to be done. I've been happy to serve as your senator and I've come home to enjoy this state and to again ask for your vote on June 25th. I am honored that you voted me into congress last month, not knowing if I would be like past congresspeople who won the election, took their gold and left, leaving Rhode Island without representation. Many of you voted me in because you knew that I know Rhode Island in real life and not just as a place on the map somewhere between Boston and New York. Many of you voted me in because you believed I could serve in the most powerful places in eGovernment but not forget where I came from and who I represent. It's been an honor to have served you over this past month. We've gotten a lot of things started, but we're not done yet. We've been pushing the ball up the hill, but it's not at the top yet. Too many people are short-sighted and only think of what can be done now. But big plans require a long-term focus. I've had a vision for this country which, through hard work and dedication of many people, is beginning to come about, but there is still more work to be done.

If I should have the privilege of representing Rhode Island again this term, this is what I will do:

1. Continue to work with congress, the executive branch and heads of other nations to make sure our citizens will be able to purchase affordable food and weapons and that our businesses will be able to compete fairly with other nations.

2. Continue to work on alliance formation, making sure that we not only have a military alliance, but a trade alliance as well which will strengthen our ties. I will work to improve diplomatic relations with other countries, large and small, regardless of alliance orientation. I will work on making our alliance more than just a set of MPPs, but one that is based on principles and common beliefs among allies for the benefit of all nations involved, not just one or two.

3. Continue to survey the residents of Rhode Island about the issues our nation faces that are important to you.

4. Continue to work on making eUSA the most fun place in eRepublik!

I hope I have served as the senator you would like to have representing Rhode Island. If I am, then I ask for your vote so we can get to work again and finish what we've started!

If you want someone who will not cause partisan division, but will work toward progress with members of all political parties, working with their good ideas instead of their perceived ideologies, then I humbly ask you to push the Libertarian button on June 25th and vote for mjdiv.

Thank you for reading, Rhode Island, and thank you for your trust.

To all Rhode Island voters:
Even if you choose not to vote for me, Rhode Island needs your vote! Regardless of who you will vote for, send me a PM to let me know you're alive and remember to vote here on June 25th so that again Rhode Island voters can get who Rhode Island voters want in congress.

Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!