More is Merrier

Day 1,880, 03:31 Published in Norway Norway by Jochen Lutz

Hello, dear readers!

In this article I will leave over-discussed topics like wars, economics or politics aside and I would wish to express opinion about a fully different aspect of the game. I am more than sure that we all like to view the world map and scroll over countries, regions and battles. At least I do this with pleasure and of course I always spot something intriguing or waking interest and ideas in my young eHead... I will try not to occupy your thoughts and time with numerous questions or obvious facts, but I will do my best to present you one of the recently born ideas of my own.

It was a pity to see how nice countries like Portugal, the Netherlands or France are totally wiped out by some of our enemies, like Poland or Spain. The sheer number of examples for partly or entirely overrun lands has only brought me to the conclusion that each one of those states had not managed it alone. In addition to this - it is clear how unified forces could stand even worse times of crisis. What I was wondering is perhaps a bad idea, because of many reasons, which are not to be underestimated and I agree that major parts of the game's mechanics are still not understood by me, but I will share what I think and I will leave you to correct what seems to be wrong...

Nowadays we have a very close and good example of countries, united under only one flag. eGermany and eDenmark are currently in a federation (the so called Deutschmark), due to eDenmark's lack of players and PTO threat and on the other sides - eGermany's need of expansion in the North, because of the Polish occupation of their southern regions. In this way the Danes are not under a politically defective rule and they have a chance to fight and work in a relatively stable state. Their rights, public life and contribution in eGermany is fairly equal to what is supposed to be a privilege of the Germans only. Thanks to that union Deutschmark is now powerful enough to maintain reliable exterior and interior policy and even to fight with a great success in general.

So we reached the point - what is common between eNorway's condition and this useful and successful kind of federation? My idea was, that those wiped out countries, having a limited chance for liberation, could send a part of their population here, in eNorway. We have more regions than we could possibly sustain. We lack players and economical, as well as military activity, and we are still one of EDEN's core founders. If a number of reliable, for example, Dutch or Portuguese people settle here, we would be able to free and control more territories, we would have more income and fighters ready for battle. Our international meaning would drastically rise and the help we would be able to provide for our allies' wars would become more than enough and appreciated. Communicating with those occupied nations could arrange a settlement of a few trustworthy players according to a sort of treaties and thanks to that the re-populating of eNorway could begin in small, but vital steps.

I agree that whilst reading you have already spotted the problem in this affair. When a congressman allows a foreigner to receive citizenship, they could then become congressman as well, if having enough support and could later bring here more supporters, making it able for those foreigners to take the power and control the presidency and the congress, soaking the land's resources (the so called PTO). Even if we go along with that, a careful choice of players, including arrangements and treaties on the highest level could make this act safer and more useful. Accepting only trusted and checked people, recommended by their own official governments could be a sufficient warranty for us not to feel threatened. And if done in the wisest and safest way the gain could be more than satisfying. Another less important, but a vital problem could be the faith of eNorway as a sovereign state, while having such a big proportion of foreign incomers, but this should first be discussed and even if turned into a federation, if the presidency is kept for Norwegians, it would not harm us in any way.

And to end - I hope my views about it are not going to be too heavily criticised now and that you have understood them right, without feeling offended.

Thanks for reading and I wait for your opinion too!

Those are useful articles, that were helpful and interesting for me and which I highly recommen😛
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