More for Less?

Day 626, 16:43 Published in USA USA by Bill Board
Trenton, New Jersey --- On my way to work I pass person after person, sitting glumly on the sides of the road, holding signs asking for money. One sign, "Wife and daughter kidnapped by Ninjas, need money for Karate lessons," intrigues me. I walk over to the man and we begin talking.

Just like myself, he is new to eRepublik. He joined three days ago, which makes me only a few days older then him. "How do you like your life?" I ask him. "It sucks," he replies. After about forty-five minutes of conversing, we both reach the same conclusion --- joining the eUSA as a new player, could not be worse.

Meals on Wheels: Applying takes a minute, excellent! Getting your food takes a week, not so excellent. This program is useless unless players receive the food immediately! Perhaps increasing the staffing of this program may help?

Training Division: We are fighting a war right? Then why are people not actively being recruited? I sent in my application almost 2 weeks ago, and still have not seen any mails or requests involving my inclusion. Do you want an army or not? Either the recruiters need to do a better job every Monday during "Roll Call" (When applicants are put into the army.) or more recruiters are needed.

Citizen Orders: Make up your mind! Do you want me to listen to this newspaper or this newspaper? Perhaps a notice from the new president as to what should be followed?

Parties: Awesome you are a center-left-libertarian, and that means? The eUSA is not the USA, you can't crossover views from one life into another, as they mean completely different things. An eCenter-Left-Libertarian is not a Center-Left-Liberarian. Furthermore I received an e-mail from an undisclosed party, attempting to recruit me. When I replied and asked about five questions, I received the reply, "Well I can't fit all of that into one mail, so check out the forums." Yeah right I'm going to go searching through 20,000 posts to find the 5 posts i need. If you are going to recruit people, then you sure better have the time to answer their questions.

The Gifting Exchange: I would highly recommend this program, in fact I believe it should be given more funding. I applied and received my first gift within 2 days, then when I asked for another it was given almost immediately. Out of all of our current programs, that i have looked into, this is by far my highest rated. I would strongly encourage anyone who is new to give this a look!

Mud-Slinging: Don't follow the examples of your predecessors. Sure it may make you look good, but I for one do not want a person in power who only got their by making another look bad. (Note: I am not saying the current president did this, I am simply saying I see this happening all over the eUSA by people of all statuses.)

Summary: New players need way more help then they are currently receiving. Almost every program needs to work on the speed with which they deliver what they are advertising. The Gifting Exchange needs more funding, to deliver more gifts.

--- Bill Board's Billboard

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