More exciting features

Day 1,784, 06:36 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by stretired

I feel that we as players are in deep debt to Plato. So, to further approve our game play and to give them (him) back what they deserve i have several suggestions to Plato.

1. 10% tax on every transaction; 20% tax on every gold purchase
2. 1 gold for every news read (10% of that can go to article owner)
3. 499.99 gold for mass shout to all players (sticky)
4. 5 gold for shout; 1 gold for comment
5. 1 gold for every login; 5 gold if you login from other computer
6. 5 gold for first change your email/picture/password in profile; Next changes (unlimited number) cost 50 gold
7. No changes in battle module, there is already more than enough idio... ops , donors
8. logout and never come back - free... for now...