moomoohead - cow of war

Day 1,757, 10:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

Unfortunately this article is not about me, hard to imagine, I know. Nor is it some self-serving propaganda dressed in some sort of fluffy do-gooder nonsense that you're all used to or we-can-see-right-through-you-malbekh guff.

This is a about a man and a cow. Well a mancow. It's about bullocks. It's about the cream of the crop, the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth, pull the udder one, unique, caring, passionate, workaholic, infamous and famous....moomoohead.

You see, and I know you all would have seen, moo is now CoW. The first in eRepublik. In order to honour this, a bunch of us got together to do him honour and homage. So we will do this as a photo montage, because cows as we know can't talk.

But before we do that I want to say something. This's not about countries, it's not about alliances, it's not about nationalistic pride (even though these all add greatly to the game). This game is about friendship. So to honour moo we did homage to his past in Libertad and Paraguay. It's an ongoing thing as you will see at the end. But to honour a friend, you must honour what interests him, and being PC is not what it'a about.

Now........on with the photos.............

Typical chat session





D3 Moo

D4 Moo yesterday

D4 Moo today

Current state of play 10:11 Day 1757

No more hamburgers from Argentina!!!!!