Monthly Report - June 2010

Day 958, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Magnum Acquisitions

July 5, 2010 (Day 95😎


Month's Summary:

On the 2nd of June, we upgraded MA Grain to Q2, as well as paid out 1 Gold in dividends for Week 22. On the 4th, we were audited and re-valued at 100 Gold. We paid out 1 Gold in dividends on the 7th for Week 23, 1 Gold on the 14th for Week 24, 1 Gold on the 21st for Week 25, and 1 Gold on the 29th for Week 26.


Note from the CEO:

We would like to thank all of our long term regular employees, both current and past. We have had quite a few people that have actively worked for us for a month or longer. Unfortunately, our companies profits were not so good this month, due to a serious drop in the wood and grain markets. Luckily, we made a fair profit on the monetary market, and have been able to continue paying weekly dividends. While we were originally intending to own a third Q2 raw materials company by the end of June, after reading the V2 documentation we decided to hold off on any further expansion until we see how the new economic module will work. Currently, all of the liquid assets that would have been used to purchase a new company are safely invested in other low risk organizations, deposited in banks, and being used to trade on the monetary market. Overall it was a pretty boring month for us, but we hope that V2 will bring a change.
