MoNewCitizens: Defining this Ministry

Day 657, 11:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

The Minister of Education, Cun-Bo-Dawex, the Minister of Community, Einberliner, and I met yesterday to define our roles in this Administration. We all work well together and each of us plays a vital role.

The goal of my ministry is to locate New Citizens and help them to connect effectively with eIreland resources, society, military and government. As I've gone out into the field, I have found many people who are stuggling and isolated. We need to find them and bring them into the fold, nurture them and make them strong. As a result, eIreland will be stronger.

For the newest citizens, this means getting connected with the forums and reading the articles. The best way to understand eIrish society is to immerse yourself. I learned alot by reading articles and commenting. I also have articles and resources that I will make available to each new citizen, a start up kit. Digits wrote a terrific article a while back outlining the tools, calculators and links that can help new citizens gain greater understanding of their world.

The second things is connecting with the Mentorship program and taking classes at eUniversity. Cun is doing a terrific job getting this organized and running smoothly. I will allow him to elaborate. This program is critical to the success of our new citizens.

We also need to build a sense of community. We have had a couple of rough patches lately, and it is more important than ever that we have a way to have a little fun and to solidify our bond as citizens of this fine country. Einberliner is putting together some interesting things on her side that I know you will enjoy.

For citizens moving from other countries, we have a slightly different approach. Most of these individuals have a basic understanding of how eRepublik works, but are unfamiliar with the inner workings of eIreland. I am putting together some ideas on how to make this transition smoother. After all they have chosen eIreland for a reason, I want to be sure we can deliver.

I have had a number of people volunteer to help me with this ministry. As soon as their roles are defined, they will be introduced.

What I need from you:

I need to locate new citizens or citizens who are struggling. If you find one, or are one, PM me. We will get you connected and on the path to success.

Thank you for your overwhelming response! It has been terrific. I am seeing so many new faces and I love it! Keep up the good work. Each of you has a part in making this country great. 🙂

Until next time,

Edana Savage, MoNewCitizens