Moments to cherish!!!

Day 2,410, 10:56 Published in India Egypt by Real Steel 4

Today all of you have proved what this great soul of India quoted!!
First of all I would like to congratulate each and every Indian on what's going to be one of the most deserved victory for eIndia in recent days. 😃 🙂 😉
Secondly I very much appreciate the courage of CalvinHobbes our current MoD who throwed a worthy challenge !! 🙂 🙂

A big o7 to all the fighters!!!!!

Recently I had not contributed much to the media as I was busy in some RL engagements, but the main reason was the media was being run by a cartel of kiddos ( Vijay 😛 Srijanak 😛 Sher Singh, witty and others)

But I totally appreciate their valiant efforts which made me so happy!!
A big o7 to all of you guys who did a fantastic job!!!

After almost 5 moths of "joysticking" here and there today finally eIndia has got their rythm back!!!
I tell this because daily I login to IRC and write a message which almost no one replies(Krishna, Phoenix & others it's not about you 😛 ) But today IRC almost became a fish market where everything was in chaos 😛. Many players few old and few new came across the channel. It's been very long that I saw this "dead" channel so active.

Battle co-ordination:

One of the most co-ordinated strike I must admit. Me Lord Bernin, Ayush121212, Krishna and all the others were closely monitoring the battle situation and shouting our throats out in the shout feed!! The call given by our MoD Calvinhobbes worked very well and the rest was taken care by us. This was the determination needed by us from many months and today we did it. Some enemies are stating that we were just resetting the determination bonus!! "seriously??!! 1. something doesn't even matter to us dude"!!

A special thanks to all the fighters from different nations who spent their damage in this epic battle(according to my priority)!!!

Congress Elections:

I congratulate all the parties for fielding some good and responsible candidates for the congress elections. Personally I would like to congratulate the first-time PP of YUUVA INDIA Vijayakrishna Amaraneni who carefully brought among consensus between juniors and seniors and made a perfect equation for the congress. We now have a excellent combination of new and old guys in the congress. Once again congrats to all the elected members, I expect you all to take part actively in the decision making of eIndia!!!

Real Steel 4
This time signing off as a happy eIndian 😁 😃