MoFA News: Special Bulletin

Day 914, 14:41 Published in Canada Canada by KyleDr" />

A. The Situation

Over the past couple days or so, there has been much talk about the appointment of the new ambassador, Keve69, to our bros the eUSA. I will say this about the situation, I fully stand by the decision made to fire TFD and hire Keve69. This has nothing to do with experience, but I will get to that later. My problem with those who attacked him and his appointment is that they don't know him.

I know it seems odd to put a 8 day old citizen in such a position, but think about this; the USA are our closest allies. Whenever any member of government of either needs something we speak directly to that person. For example, when we discussed war strategy in regards to France, I spoke directly to HarrisonRichardson, their president. I did not speak to their ambassador, nothing against him is a competent and hard working person, rather I know how good our relationship is with them so without hesitation I go over to their IRC to chat or ask as they do the same for us. This is just the relationship we have with them.

So why not put someone new into such a role? Well I did. If you have a problem come talk to me. The reason why I put him there, well it would be the easiest roll to fill, as it was empty.

B. Why I fired TFD

Many think I'm crazy for this. That is your opinion and that's fine. He answered roll call, yes. He was active in USA forums, yes. But was he active in ours, no.

You might say so what that's not enough. Wrong, being an ambassador requires you to do all three. And for the 9 months that TFD was ambassador to the US he never once created a report for in our forums. Did I send him a PM, no, but I accept the blame for the way I handled this. It was me. But you know what, that's okay we move on. However, I also had planned that TFD be our ambassador to the Brolliance because of his experience, he rightfully declined, that is his choice.

C. Why I Hired Keve69

It is important to remember that any player can be an ambassador for eCanada as long as they follow our system and rules. Be a Canadian citizen, active in our forums and active in-game. Let me tell you a story. I was once that young player who was appointed to become an ambassador. Did people freak out no. Why, I can't tell you. However here I am now, MoFA for eCanada and let me tell had I not been chosen/asked to become an ambassador I would stopped playing. People forget that our ambassador program is the best in the New World because we teach and help our ambassadors no matter how experienced they are. It is a program that allows those who want to enter the political side of the game enter it, but don't know how to. We always have someone to help them whenever they need it.

D. Closing Remarks

So if you truly have a problem with it, then too bad suck it up. Come talk to me on IRC I'll be glad to listen to your rants just be ready for mine. I stand by my decision and don't regret it at all.

MoFA eCanada">