MoFa News: Day 920

Day 920, 16:56 Published in Canada Canada by KyleDr" />

A. War with eFrance

We continue to move towards closing this war. It remains the MoFA's top priority and progress is being made.


In a battle for the ages, Phoenix managed to hold off EDEN's attempt to regain Lion King from Serbia, a minor setback in the war effort. Second EDEN has officially sent out an offer for our Chinese brothers to join the Alliance, something which we are very pleased about 🙂

C. Staff Update

The Ambassador Corps continues to grow each day with experience and dedicated members. I would like to thank youknowme for his hard work both in Russia and our bros down under, Australia. Keep up the great work! Also to Cedrik Magnus for his continued work in the ever so difficult North Korea.

D. Closing Remarks

As always it is a pleasure to represent this great eNation on the world stage as your MoFA. There are always positions open, so if you are interested please contact the SoSAC Luddite. The FA team has been very busy setting up our S American Conference, an economic conference that will aid all countries involved (more about this to come). As always if you ever have a question regarding the Ministry of Foreign Affairs please feel free to contact me or find me in IRC in #eCan.
