MoFa Albania - PostWar Review

Day 2,165, 02:34 Published in Turkey Albania by LiLo1

Dear Allies, Friends and Brothers,
As this eWorld is getting centralized and grouped under one flag, a few countries are lucky enough to be free and still hold their head high! We are one of these countries!
My little eAlbania is a continous target of eSerbia and its obedient slave-soldiers. Yesterday we faced an AirStrike, coordinated with a RW through Serbian Proxy-Countries. They thought they would get us... Today we stand still! and this is an article of thanks!

First of all, many thanks to our CP, MoD and Council of War who worked out a fantastic strategy during the war. Thank you everyone one who shot at least a single shot for eAlbania.
This was a *Epic War* (and not Pluto Epic)! In Round 1, we dumped almost 1 Billion damage in top-5 Division 4, but it was quantity versus quality, and eSerbia has a lof ot quantity (we have the quality). We focused on lower divisions fighting for every single point. And we managed not to allow distance to the eSerbian-Proxy. We relied on our Quality, our friends and we won exactly when most needed! We turned a hopeless battle into a victory and this is all thanks to our friends.

So here it comes:
On an Alliance Level
Thank you EDENnites for not fighting against us! Thank you for respecting the old Brotherhood! Although some of these countries are headed TWO, there is still a moral bond which we respect. (Officially the last 3 countries left EDEN alliance 2 days ago. EDEN is dead, but whoever fought under our moto knows that there is a long-living bond!) Thank you CoT countries. We had our problems in the past, but we are on the same side now and we are learning to cooperate.

On a eCountry level
Thank you all the Argies for not fighting against us! Thank you Spaniards, Romanians, Polish for fighting with us! This was not a TWO campaign, this was just eSerbia being Serbia!

In this game, our country would not stand a chance without our allies eCroatia, eTurkey and eUS (I have to accept, eGreece has helped us a lot as well in the past). In this war, these 3 countries where determinant for us! It is difficult to express by words how happy we are to see you fighting with us in hopeless moments! Thank you!

Personal thanks
I was trying not to mention names, but this is on personal level! Thank you Trico, Lily, Shadow_Man83, JoshFrost, N4rgal, Obliterate, Artela, Herr Vodka, gekoinsane, Chepnee (new Titan, say congrats), ilphen, Dalmatian Devils, Dragmond, DMV3 for your help! (Again, this is personal, My apologies for forgetting someone: I have seen many other guys in the battles but I don't know you all 😁.

Printscreen from Battle 7! Many other people where hitting as well. Too bad Romper never had a chance to get into the top here. VisarJ, KaleZd and other friends where also above 100 M

Where to from here!?
We won a battle, but winning is becoming more and more difficult! We are facing another AS in the coming weeks(days?) and even if we loose some battles, we are happy because we are winning (making) new friends! Having friends and who care for you is more important, so we are ready to fight, ready to lose and we don't care about the pixels they have! We are getting the love, they are getting the hate! The more you attack us, the more love we get! Bring it on!
We are fighting for congress but our strategy will change! We will bring the fight in the heart of eSerbia! Be prepared for some hell of a party!
Again, this not a TWO war, this is US and eSerbia!

P.S A few remarks! Please spare the usual ignorant racism comments! I have been careful to mention every country by an e- in the beginning! This is not RL! In RL we had war problems, but we also have friends from those countries. Humanity before Insane-groups. Don't bring RL shit here, this is a game

Teşekkür Türkiye o7

MoFa Albania - PostWar Review