MoE - Questions about eRepublik

Day 2,033, 08:11 Published in Belgium Slovenia by Ekfant

Hello dear citizens of eBelgium !

This is an question game about eRepublik, so you can learn something new about our game.

I will put here 3 questions about eRepublik.

Participate can citizen of eBelgium from level 1 to including level 31.

You just have to look on internet and search for the right answers.

I will randomly choose 3 winners with this tool.

On all 3 questions you have to answer correctly, if you want to compete for the prize.

Put your answers here :


1. place - 2000 q2 food + 30 q7 tanks

2. place - 1000 q2 food + 20 q7 tanks

3. place - 500 q2 food + 10 q7 tanks

First question:

Which one was First war ever in eRepublik?

Second question:

Which one was The first major war in eRepublik?

Third question:

Who was First CP of eBelgium?

Game will end on day 2068, time 06:00 by eRepublik time 😃

Good luck,

😃 Ekfant 😃